In order to send the information on your connection:
- Press the Windows + R key
- Type "cmd" (without quotes) in the Run box
- Click "OK"
- Enter the required commands from the list below (without quotes)
War Thunder connection troubleshooting commands:
- tracert
- ping -n 20
Star Conflict connection troubleshooting commands:
- tracert
- ping -n 20
This article on the game forum may be useful: Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues
Crossout connection troubleshooting commands:
- tracert
- ping -n 20
This article on the game forum may be useful: Info: connection losses, high ping and related issues
After performing each command, wait for the message "Trace complete", after which right click the mouse button on the black space, and select "Mark". Then select (by holding the left mouse button) all the text after the written command, and before "Trace complete", and press Enter to copy. Paste the copied text in any text editor (e.g. notepad), by pressing "Ctrl+V". Save the file with the name of the performed command, and attach it to the ticket to our Support service.