Unfortunately, the support team does not manage bug reports, for this purpose exists a special service: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/crossout, which is regularly reviewed by the personnel responsible for gathering information, and forwarding it to the devteam.
You can submit a report at https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/crossout. For this you would need to sign in under your account, and click the "Report issue" button.
In the opened page summarize your issue in the title, and provide a detailed description of the problem in the section below, if possible, with steps to reproduce it. Then select the platform on which you play the game, a category for this issue, and the version of the game, which you can find in the top right corner of the game client. Then attach all files required for the selected category, such as game client logs, launcher logs, screenshots or video with the demonstration of the issue.
QA section:
1) How can i check the version of the game client?
You will find it in the launcher, or in the game after pressing F11:
2) How to create a DxDiag file?
The following article will help you create a file with your system information:
3) What are game client logs, and where are they located?
Game client logs reflect all actions that were made by the user during the game session. Logs are extremely important for finding the issue. Game logs .clog are located in the directory Documents\My Games\Crossout\logs.
Press the Windows+R key combination, and type the following:
«%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Crossout\logs» , then press «Enter».
Archive the required folder, and attach it to the report.
It would require the latest log by date (after the start of the issue).