- ▫️ 1. What are promo codes for?
- ▫️ 2. Alpha test
- ▫️ 3. How do I become a game moderator?
- ▫️ 4. Why is my daily award calendar not showing up correctly? I haven't received an award even though it's marked as "received" on the calendar?
- ▫️ 5. Daily Missions
- ▫️ 6. When will the tanks come?
- ▫️ 7. The bots are too strong and steal my kills.
- ▫️ 8. What's wrong with your matchmaking? Why is it unequal? Low-level players meet high-level players.
- ▫️ 9. I can't pay for in-game purchases/download the game
- ▫️ 10. I don't have a view ads button, why?
▫️ 1. What are promo codes for?
1.1 Promo codes are used to celebrate important events in the game, as well as to motivate new players.
1.2 Sometimes we give promo codes to content creators and large community owners. All promo codes have a limited period and number of uses.
1.3 We do not provide a list of active promo codes upon request. Players must find current promo codes on their own. We do not provide a single list of active promo codes.We do not provide a single list of active promo codes upon request. Players must find current promo codes on their own. We do not provide a single list of active promo codes.
▫️ 2. Alpha test
Alpha test is a closed testing, required before releasing a new version of the game. There is currently no recruitment to the testing program. In September 2022 the number of alpha test participants has been reduced in order to work more efficiently.
▫️ 3. How do I become a game moderator?
A game moderator can only be appointed by the project administration. We do not actively recruit moderators. A moderator becomes a user from the number of regular and proven in a positive way players.
▫️ 4. Why is my daily award calendar not showing up correctly? I haven't received an award even though it's marked as "received" on the calendar?
The daily rewards calendar changes every two months, each player will have a different day. If the change came in the middle of the calendar, the rewards you received may be different from the ones you received, because you received them from another calendar, and future rewards you will receive from the new one.
▫️ 5. Daily Missions
5.1 The complexity of the daily missions increases as the level of the account increases.
5.2 Players have an opportunity to complete a block of missions up to 10 times a day. In order to start completing new missions ahead of time, click on the corresponding icon in the main menu.
5.3 Also, as the level increases, the cost of "skipping" each individual task, and the mission block as a whole, increases.
▫️ 6. When will the tanks come?
Tanks are currently in development, and we can't wait to release them either! It's not a quick task, but the team is literally working day and night to release them as soon as possible. Follow our social media to be the first to know all the news!
▫️ 7. The bots are too strong and steal my kills.
Bots are selected depending on your skill. Try changing tactics if you are fighting an opponent and there is a bot next to you that can steal your kill. When you see your opponent's health points approaching zero, stop shooting and make sure the last shot is yours.
▫️ 8. What's wrong with your matchmaking? Why is it unequal? Low-level players meet high-level players.
In MW the selection of opponents is based on the skill of the players, not their level. Mastery is constantly recalculated based on a player's recent wins and losses, which ensures that a player will be matched with the same player. Tactics and skill are really valuable in the game. Sometimes, if players with the same skill level are not available immediately, you will be picked up with higher level players.
▫️ 9. I can't pay for in-game purchases/download the game
We have an official website, where you can log in with your username and password from the game. There are all the special offers and many payment methods. You can also download the official game client from our website. https://artstorm.com/mw.html
▫️ 10. I don't have a view ads button, why?
Try to solve it by resetting "Advertising ID"
- Open your phone settings
- Find "Google", then click it
- Click "Ads"
- Click "Reset Advertising ID" then click "OK"
If this does not help, it means that there really are no ads or ads may not be available in your region at the moment.