Any team kill incident has negative consequences for the team-killer.
We have auto-kick and auto-ban features and continuously working on team killing policy.
What is the Auto Kick and Auto ban feature? It is explained below:
To determine if it is necessary to punish players that are firing on allies (deliberate or accidental), we are recording statistics regarding the number of occasions when destruction or damage is done to allies in conjunction with the number of aircraft and tanks used in battle by the player causing the damage. For various actions against allies, a user will collect a specific number of penalty points. The number of penalty points gathered depends on the type of vehicle in which a player has damaged his allies and the game mode in which the player is in . From this data we calculate what appropriate punishment will be given to the user that has attacked their allies. All this depends on the actions that a player has done. A player can be kicked from the session or even banned from it.
From now on, not only the amount of teamkills within a certain period of time will be taken into account, but also a comparison between teamkills to respawns which in most cases will indicate bad intention - eg if a player spawns, teamkills, spawns again , teamkills etc etc. This means that now the system will also take the into account the amount of respawns so that players who have destroyed their allies unintentionally will not be punished. Also, damaging allies by shooting or ramming is also now taken into account. So deliberate shooting at teammates may result in a kick from the session and ban from 1 to 7 days, depending on the situation. The system will try to determine and identify only unsportsmanship behaviour.
Unfortunately, our Customer Support does not manage auto-ban reports and is unable to assist you in this case even a teamkill accident was unintentional.