Third person view.
Here is how you can control your camera and aim in the third pweson view.
There are three main markers used for aiming: a current cannon/aim position(1) and a direction of the camera/player view(2).
Thus, aiming in the third person view requires using the (1) and (2) markers.
Sniper mode.
Driving a vehicle, you are able to activate the sniper mode(SHIFT key by default). Pressing the right mouse button will allow you to zoom in in this mode.
For more accurate and comfortable shooting for long distances, you can use the crosshair zeroing feature. In order to use it, you have to assign a key for the "Sight distance control" function in the Tank controls menu.
For some vehicles, you are able to unlock the 'Rangefinder' modification. It allows to calculate a distance to your enemy. Knowing the distance, it will be much easier for you to make an accurate shot.
In order to use this modification, you have to bind a key for it in the Tank controls nenu.
Enter the sniper mode, press the rangefinder button and a special distance measuring indicator will appear by the crosshair.
Binoculars are an indispensable assistant for any tanker in realistic and simulator battles.
When you spot an enemy, simply aim at the enemy with your binoculars and press the left mouse button this will automatically rotate your cannon and crosshair toward the enemy. After that you will simply have to go into the sniper mode, calculate the distance and make a shot.
Please, note that you have to set a key for your binoculars in the View controls menu.