If you have not received the registration email, please, try the following:
- Check that the email address that you signed up with is correct. If during the registration you received a "E-mail in use" error, then you entered the address which already exists in our database. In this case try recovering your access to it using this article.
- If you have several email accounts, make sure that you are logged into the one you used during the registration process.
- Check your spam folder to see if the email has been delivered there.
- Check the email rejection settings of your email service to see if emails from "no-reply@gaijin.net" are being rejected.
- If you collect your email using a mail program rather than a logging into a email service website (eg. outlook or maybe a phone client) spam may only be visible if you log into the webmail account. You may need to log into your email's web interface to see the the spam folder. It may not be visible on a mail client (like outlook or a smartphone).
- It can sometimes take time for the email to come through? up to 24 hours. Please be patient.
If nothing above has helped in your case, please contact our Customer Support by creating a ticket.