Gaijin Pass was created in order to protect your account from intruders, as an additional measure to ensure the security of your account and an alternative way to obtain two-step authentication codes. The application allows you to better control your account and reports all attempts of suspicious entries to it (when connected to the Internet on a mobile device). The application also allows you to read the news of our projects, enter the games and related sites using a confirmation in the application, rather than entering two-step authorization codes.
For Android devices with Google services: GaijinPass
For Apple devices: GaijinPass
Gaijin Pass connection
In order to connect Gaijin Pass the email address of your account has to be confirmed, and a phone number has to be linked. If a phone number is not linked to the account, and the email address is not confirmed, you would need to verify email and bind a phone number via profile page on the website of the game or store.
1) Connection via profile page on the website of the game or store
You can enable two-step authentication via profile page on the website of the game or store, via Settings > Account protectionНачать подключение двухэтапной авторизации вы можете в личном кабинете на сайте игры или нашего магазина, в разделе Настройка - > Защита аккаунта
After that a QR code will be generated for you, scanning which will start a download of Gaijin Pass app, already connected to your account via two-step authentication.
If you are not able to scan the QR code, but already downloaded the app, you can activate two-step authentication manually.
After that a personal activation code will be generated for you, enter it in the app to enable 2-step authentication for the account.
2) Linking via Gaijin Pass website
You can link Gaijin Pass on the application website, where you would need to enter your Gaijin account via login and password.
To link Gaijin Pass, your email must be verified, and a mobile phone has to be linked to the account. If your email is not confirmed and your phone is not linked to your account, you will be asked to complete the necessary confirmations and bindings. After that, you will need to enter necessary verification codes received by email and via SMS messages.
After that a QR code will be generated for you, scanning which will start a download of Gaijin Pass app, already connected to your account via two-step authentication.
If you are not able to scan the QR code, but already downloaded the app, you can activate two-step authentication manually.
After that a personal activation code will be generated for you, enter it in the app to enable 2-step authentication for the account.
After entering the code Gaijin Pass will be linked to your account.
Disabling the app
In order to disable the app you would need to click the respective option via profile page, settings > account protection.
Please note, after disabling Gaijin Pass, two-step authentication will be disabled on your account.
If you were not able to do this, please refer to the this article, and contact customer support.
App functions
In the "News" section you can follow the news for all our projects, or select only projects you are interested in.
In the "Security" section you will find two-step authentication codes, as well as information about latest logins on the account. In the same section you can allow login to the game or websites, without the need to manually enter two-step authentication codes, and you can also block unauthorized login attempts on the account.
In the "Settings" section you can enable PUSH notification, choose app language, and find the Feedback section.